« Poker Rule #105 Superstitions are bad poker | Main | Bad Play Makes for Bad Beats »

My Game

Well I have not really been playing well and have not been winning or losing any money. Well actually I have been winning and losing money but my bank roll is still in the same place it was more then a week ago. I see the way I play and sometimes I tell myself something to do to improve my game, but then I look down and my hand is raising a pot that I have no right being in in the first place. Sometimes it has worked, sometimes it hasn’t. Usually its more costly on the hands it hasn’t. Well I am not ready to tell you about bad beats just yet. So this is going to be another short post.

Because of this slump I think I am going to start walking my dog more often. I think the exercise will help me be more patient while at the table and also improve my stamina during long sessions. Sometimes I find myself making the kind of mental mistakes that I only make after really long nights . Maybe some physical exercises and mental games will help.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 28, 2006 11:52 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Bad Play Makes for Bad Beats.

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