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That’s it, I have caved into the poker blog world

O.K. well the world can either thank, or send all complaints to the set of kings I had in the last session of poker I played. I lost the hand and the last of my Poker bank roll. Now it was not really all one hand or one day or even one week, it was over confidence that killed me. I was on a huge winning streak so I bought a ticket to Vegas and left the next week. While out there the games seemed so easy that I found my self getting away with some bad habits and still coming out with some solid wins. I then came back from the 10 day trip with these habits well in place. The first few days of my usual game were losing sessions and I did not over analyze the days. The third and fourth days I lost I was very aware of every mistake ( and there were many ) I was making. Resulting in two more very large losses. Now as luck would have it, the next few games I played in I ran into cold decks and people who could do no wrong. Although I didn’t play perfectly, I believe I played winning poker with losing cards. All this drained my poker account. So I have decided to take a few days off (until payday) and talk about poker. As they say talking about things usually makes things better in some way.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 2, 2006 11:57 PM.

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The next post in this blog is My Goal for 1st Rule Of Poker.

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