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Why Do they Burn a Card

Some people wonder why do they burn a card when dealing poker. Well first Burning a card is when the dealer takes the top card and discards it before they deal the card. The reason for this is to prevent cheating, specifically card marking. If a player was able to make a mark on a card they would know what the next card out of the deck would be. Giving them an advantage. So they use the top card on the deck to protect the next card and call the top card the burn card.

Now I don’t know this for sure but in my opinion its called a burn card because if you burn it nobody will ever know what it was. Otherwise people might say that the top card should have been my card. This falls into the same category as rabbit hunting. (Asking to see the next card even though everyone has folded) If the card wont be in play it should never be seen.


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