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Poker Rule #19

No Bad Beat Stories!!! I have known this rule for a long time, and until now it has been an unwritten rule among professional players. Everyone has their own bad beats. There isn’t some competition to have the worst bad beat of the day so don’t make other people suffer through the story. I know I know I just did it, but that’s why I am making the rule. Although this rule is more for talking to your friends then blogging. The only real reason that you do this is to look for sympathy from others. I hate to tell you but there is no REAL sympathy there. So be the proud MAN/WOMAN you should be and keep it to your self. For everyone’s sake



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Comments (4)

I love putting bad beat stories on my blog. It's that or be prosecuted for kicking the family pet ;).

No, there is no sympathy of course, but it acts as great justification for a shrinking bank roll ;)

Well how mad is that, Ive written about the same subject in my new post. People not wanting to hear about badbeats, we must be on the same wavelength!

I respect your commitment to this blog, if only I could get off my butt and update my blog more often!!


I got beat with a full house last night AAQQQ, all in $1600 playing only my second hand for the night. Who would of thought someone would have AAKKK! Really Bad Beat I thought.

1st Rule:

I saw the irony in this post and liked it.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 31, 2006 10:24 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Poker Blogging: Not for the lazy.

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