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My post for Today

I finally got around to playing a little online poker today. Was not a lot only about 2 hours of two tables 6 handed. I did alright. Didn’t win a lot, but it got the blood rushing for a bit. I wanted to go up to the casino but I didn’t have the time to commit 7 hours to play. I got to tell you this job of mine is really hurting my poker time. On top of that I am getting jealous of some of my friends that are all out in Vegas right now and I have responsibilities to take care of. Man this sux. They really need to legalize online poker so that everyone can go back to playing. I don’t want to have to worry about “will I have a job next week” It would be quite a shock to more then a few people if tomorrow it was just turned off.

On another note. I just saw that Full Contact Poker is combining with stars? The way I got the emails it seemed like a scam. Well I hope its true. I have a bunch of money in FCP that I couldn’t get out. If they send it all to stars I can have them send me a check or something. Well that’s about all I have for today. Good luck everyone.


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Comments (1)

Yep, FCP joined with Stars and moved all their player accounts over there. Apparently if you follow the instructions in the emails, you can open up yr new Stars acct. & get yr money out if desired. (I didn't have FCP, but that's my understanding.)

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